Johnnys Blog

Violence can never be the answer.

I feel like a little kid on Christmas Morning- I finally have my new blog set up and this is where I will be doing my venting from now on. I will leave Facebook to well…. So, I must have a pretty damn good topic to start off with… I do… Without hesitation lets get to it..

In 1940 a little man by the name of Charles Chaplin was facing, what I would like to call, a cross-roads of sorts. The war in Europe was erupting and Hitler was massacring Jews by the boat load. Mr. Chaplin was in fact a Jew himself and back then in Hollywood that was a not a popular faith to have. He was criticized as being a communist for no other reason then he was a Jew. Also at that time, movies were beginning to talk. Charles did not embrace the idea of talking in his movies, but he made one- The Great Dictator. Of course he portayl of Hitler only fueled the fire of those already accusing him of being a communist, but it just made people plain mad. In this movie The Tramp finally speaks. He gives a blistering speech about unity about HUMANITY! Who would have thought that a black man 20yrs later would bring that same kind of love to the planet- Martin Luther King. Today, we look back at history and want to destroy it. We want to take apart the very fabric that holds this country together. I understand we have a lot of scars, some might even say open wounds, but those were caused by the past, they stay open because of us, present and they will never close in the future. The only reason we should ever look back is to gain knowledge.

There is obviously a very strong force in our country looking to destroy it. Destroy is a big powerful word, but what else could it be? We have had a country come sneak attack us and bomb our Naval base. We had a group of terrorists come and fly planes into our buildings and those same people have sworn to destroy America at any cost. *** WARNING IF YOU DID NOT GO READ MY ABOUT ME PAGE AND LEARN A LITTLE ABOUT ME THEN THIS NEXT PART IS GOING TO PISS YOU OFF*** A black man gets killed in Chicago- NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT.. A black man gets killed in Compton– NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT… another one in Detroit, Harlem, Miami, Orlando, Milwaukee, San Antonio, Houston, Denver – NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT.. what we do hear is Chicago has a new nickname its called ChiRaq… what we do here is violence in the minority communities is sky rocketing. What we don’t hear is what people are doing about it. I have no doubt there are little organizations trying to get into these communities and make a difference and in a very small way they maybe are, but real change has to come from the top. We need business to come back, we need hospitals, libraries, schools to open and stay open. What we need is leadership and I don’t care what color, sex, religious belief you hold you just need to want to help to make a change.
Everyone is so focused on these past few killings by police. They are angry shouting “another black man killed by the police” and it turns into a black and white issue. It can’t be the cop was just bad, it can’t be the person shot did something to make it happen, it automatically has to be black and white. Why? Because, if you are going to get people excited and you want to do it fast– throw out race. I do not like that the first thing people jump to is race. We are supposed to learn from our past. We are supposed to grow.

“The reason I have seen farther then any other is because I have stood on the shoulders of great men.” Read that again. Let that sink in. By they way this was said in the 1600’s. Wow!!! The way this is supposed to work is I am where I am because I stood on my fathers shoulders. He is where he is because he stood on his fathers shoulders and so on and so fourth. We expand this and we through in mentors we have had through out our lives and people we respect.+


Johhny, you started off talking about Chaplin and Martin Luther King how did we get here. The Chaplin speech in the Great Dictator was about unity and humanity. It was all of us working together regardless of sex, race or religion. It doesn’t take a smart person to realize when we all come together there isn’t anything we can’t accomplish. Issac Newton knew it in the 1600’s – Chaplin knew that in 1940- Martin Luther King knew it in 1960– we can see farther when we stand on the shoulders of great men–

Who’s shoulders are you standing on? We have no leadership in this country right now. They are burning down the cities because no one is showing them another way. They are letting the powers control them. I will leave you with this–

1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan. We didn’t sit around and talk about race, sex or religion WE, as a country, banned together and kicked the worlds ass.

2001 World Trade Center had 2 planes flown into it- -We didn’t sit around and talk about race, sex or religion, everyone pitched in and helped from all over the country- all the colors…. all the races… all the religions….

The saying now is we can do better. We have to do better. My saying is– if you like the way things are now keep doing what you are doing. If you want another way of doing things I’m right here. Know this- 300 million people live in the United States to make all of them happy at the same time is almost impossible. What I can do, is give you alternatives some maybe right others wrong, but that is why we communicate. So, if I come out and say I want free education. That sounds great, but fact is making that kind of promise or suggesting that could even happen by one person’s hand is not a smart idea. I can give you broad strokes. We as a country have to come up with the final solutions.

I hope y’all stick around for my next blog. Oh, and please check out the buttons on the bottom of the home page for my Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts.