Johnnys Blog

Unity, Humanity did we forget what that was?

Rating: 5 out of 5.

We are guaranteed by our constitution the right to assemble peacefully. Through out our history groups of all shapes, sizes and colors have formed to march for something or against it. Most of the time they are done PEACEFULLY. Sometimes they get out of hand and riots and looters come out to play. Back in the 1960’s minorities came out to protest on large scales. See back then minorities were seen as less then, not equal to, dogs had more rights then any person of color. Slavery may have ended, but the disgust for the colored people lingered on long after. It wasn’t uncommon back then for police to harass people of color just for being colored. Down in our Southern states if there was a crime committed they would accuse and convict a color person before even looking at one of their own. Back then the mindset was colored people are only good for entertaining, but even then they got little to no respect. They still had to sleep in a different hotel then everyone else, eat a different place even use the washroom in a different place. If colored people wanted to see their favorite musician it was most likely going to be from the upper balcony. Colored people, in America, have always had to outwork their white counter-part.

August 11, 1965 a black man was pulled over for suspicion of reckless driving. It some how escalated in to an argument and the boys mom, who lived only a couple blocks from where this happened, came over to see what was going on. What happened next was the boys mom yelled at him for his driving and it got heated. Someone then pushed the boy into his mom. People in the neighborhood started talking and the story morphed into the police kicked a woman who was pregnant and roughed up the driver. Do you hear what happened?? The mom came down to the spot her son was suspected of reckless driving and started yelling at him like a good mom should. It got heated and someone pushed the boy into his mom. That is the story. People in the neighborhood turned it into the police beat the driver and kicked a pregnant woman. Whoa.. big difference in stories.. yet.. we choose to believe the angry story and guess what 5 days of “peaceful protest”. They burned Watts to ground. What came out of that riot?? I’ll tell you… a scathing report about how the people in that community are under educated. Whew.. was it worth it?

March 19, 1935 a little Puerto Rican, not me, threw a rock through a store window and the manager caught him and was bringing him downstairs to the store basement to beat his ass. The Rican fought back and bit the manager and he called the police. Meanwhile, outside a crowd was gathering and a woman was shouting they beat him, they beat him. Then they saw a hearse parked close by and rumors started circulating that the boy was killed. Guess what?? Riots happened. What happened from this riot- 3 black men killed. Nothing else.

July 16, 1964 a 15 yr old black boy was shot and killed by the police. Wait! Stop the press. July 2, 1964 the 1st Civil Rights bill was passed. News of the boy’s death reached his school and the students took to the streets. Over 4000 people rioted. The people went to the police station to try and burn it down, they went after stores. They destroyed Harlem. What happened because of the riots? Project Uplift. It was a SHORT-TERM SOLUTION!!! It really doesn’t matter what it did because it was short lived.

Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in her apartment while police tried to serve a no knock warrant. There are claims that Breonna had no contact with the person the police were after. The picture being painted is she had a great future a head of her. I believe one of those statements. The fact of the matter is her and her boyfriend were in the hallway. Why were they in the hallway because the police were banging on the door. They, Breonna and her man, thought they were being robbed. Breonna’s boyfriend fired at the police as they entered the apartment and the police returned fire hitting Breonna. Fact is Breonna was talking to the kid the police were after. She handled his money. They were texting that day. It’s just not true what is being said.

George Floyd, the modern day Folk Hero. While everyone has seen that video of his death I still can’t find a person that says what they see on that video is justified. People took to the streets to protest police brutality. They burned down the city. They destroyed mom and pop stores. Why? Because they saw this video and they became judge and jury. It has recently been reported that body cams show Floyd ingesting a large amount of drugs while the police were approaching him. Take it from someone that knows a little bit about Fentanyl. If you take to much your lungs will start filling with water making it extremely hard to breathe. That must be why when the police were putting him in the back of the car he was complaining that he couldn’t breathe. I don’t have all the facts yet, but it is starting to look like Floyds death was more of an overdose then anything, but yet the riots still happened and what has come out of the Floyd riots??? NOTHING!!! I am going to interject here because I am a Chicago boy- there have been riots in my city over this Floyd thing and they have destroyed one of most treasured streets. The leaders of BLM say its ok to riot and loo the stores have insurance—consider this REPARATIONS.

I am going to skip Ahumad not because he is not worthy just because he hasn’t got the attention these have. I don’t know why, but that is just what it is.

Mr. Jacob Blake. Police are called because a man is violating his Order of Protection. He is not supposed to be there. The police try and subdue him to no avail. The police try and taser him with no luck. The police see that he is armed with a knife and draw their weapons. Blake has 3 children in the car that weren’t supposed to be there. He reaches in his car and the police shoot him 7 times in the back. People take to the streets and riot. They destroy car dealerships, mom and pop stores, what has come out of this riot?? A crucifixion of a 17yr old boy for he shot and killed 2 white people that were involved in a mob attack against this boy. For the record– I do not agree with what this boy has done. I think he was trying to help, but things rapidly got out of control. So, please reread that statement I do not agree with what this boy did. My views on the Blake case are much different then the previous 2. I do feel Blake was wrong which is why the police were called there in the first place. I believed he was armed and at that point considered dangerous. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the 7 shots.

Wow, I just had to go back and count how many examples I just gave you guys to make my simple point. 6 is the number. I just gave you 6 times our country has decided to take to the streets and burn down OUR cities. I have left out many other riots, but 6 is a real good place to get a feel of where this is going wouldn’t you agree?? I already here the pseudo-intellectuals chiming in– “riots are the language of the unheard.” “what else are we supposed to do?” We have tried peaceful” “the majority of people out in the streets are peaceful” “this country was founded on violence” ENOUGH!!!! Do you think me to be dumb? Let me retort if I may– Watts riot started over a lie. Harlem riots started over a lie. Breonna Taylor and Floyd looks like we were lied to again. What were the end results of those riots– NOTHING so why do you think this time is going to be different because the so called leaders of BLM say “if our demands aren’t met we will take by any means necessary.” You guys claim this is a black and white issue when every time I look at the TV at a “peaceful protest” I can’t even find a black person in the crowd. When I see destruction its mostly white people destroying under the flag of BLM. When I see the police get harassed its mostly from white people. How is this a black and white issue?

Here is a sad story… a 5 yr old white kid is killed in his front yard by his black neighbor. The neighbor is found holding the gun he shot the boy with and is arrested immediately. I post on Facebook about this boy and ask why this isn’t getting any coverage and I get … “when its a white person dead the killers are arrested within 24hrs.. when its a black person killed it takes forever to arrest someone.” Then another friend chimes in and says that its racial gaslighting.. My reply back was when it comes to police shootings there is a process they must go through. You would want them to take their time so the police that shot someone would be charged. When you are dealing with an average Johnny like me I would be arrested immediately. Its not racial gas-lighting when the prosecutors are colored. Why is this a sad story- because in this day and age we shouldn’t be having these conversations.

I have been asking my brothers and sisters to stay calm and not jump to judgment. Don’t support those that are up to no good. You can’t fight hate with hate. Every time you overlook what is happening in the streets you are saying its ok. America has been through so much slavery, the great depression, civil war, 9/11 and what brought us together through everything was unity, peace and love not hate. This country becomes awesome when we all come together and show our strength. We are letting each other down.

I 100% agree and think we need to talk to the police departments and find out what we can do to help them. They have to know things need to change. Defunding the police is not an option. I do have an idea which I will be posting soon.

Hear me when I say, I know a lot of people are going to get mad at me for this post. I can’t let that stop me from talking about it. You say lets sit down and have a conversation– I am here. I am willing to talk to anyone that wants to come to a solution. I could absolutely be missing something in my thinking. Anything is possible. Before you try and argue with me ask yourself what am I hoping for from this blog- If you answered unity, peace and love then you were right. So you would be arguing against peace love and unity.. because here is the truth- at the end of the day these horrible tragic things happened. We lost people do to violence and that is never good no matter what. I do not believe for 1 second any of these people should have died. If it comes to light that these police officers should be charged and are found guilty then justice has been served, but we can’t be judge and jury we have to let things play out first, but still at the end of the day we are still here we can honor these people by continuing violence or we can honor them by making real change through peace love and harmony.

I am brown. I am American. I side with justice and sometimes justice hurts. We are being fed just enough to keep the fires burning. We need to overcome this. I promise you this isn’t even close to what they went through in the 1960s. We have it much easier– thanks to them. I can not say this enough – this is not a black and white issue.

If we want real change we need to start electing people in office that our like us. We elect people that have a good story, that went to a real good college, that look up to their parents, but is that how real America is? I’m not saying that you have to be poor, come from a broken house and have no education to lead because fact is we don’t need that either. We just need someone that knows and can honestly and truly remember what the struggle is that we are going through on a daily basis.