Johnnys Blog

Great Brown Hope!

I see chaos every where I look right now. I see people so divided not just over politics, but because of race, gender and wealth. People either have lost hope or think that hope is just a word that people used to believe in. The people we look to for inspiration, for leadership are more concerned with lining their own pockets and making sure that their family is taken care of. Over 60% of Congress are millionaires and we keep asking questions like, when is the middle class and poor people going to be looked after? See, its all a game right. The pander to our weakness when its that time of the year to vote. They give us just enough to shut up, but the real winners are always the top 10% and big business. The thing is, we aren’t just electing millionaires into Congress, we are electing them even at State levels. I live in Illinois where our Billionaire Governor can’t get enough of raising our taxes. He loves raising our taxes while he takes out toilets in houses he owns to avoid taxes. What really makes me the most sad, my friends and family asking me “Where is the hope, what do we have to look forward to?” It breaks my heart they are even asking this question when we live in the greatest country in the world. This is what I tell them, “I know things look bad right now, but you have to believe, you will see that there is still hope out there.” I get the same reaction- they look at me like I am crazy.

I do have hope for this great country I call home. I do have hope for my brothers and sisters I call American’s. I do have hope for my friends that are worried about the current status quo and I do have hope for my family that just sees division everywhere they look. I believe in a country where we all come together and strive for the betterment of not just one class of people, but for all of us. I believe that everything has its place in time and I believe we should lead by example. We have 2 sides that fight for power every election. I believe we need another option. My friends and family question hope so my new answer is going to be- let me be your hope. Let me show you that we still are amazing people that can accomplish amazing things. Let me show you that we can thrive in a world without labels or putting people into boxes. Let me show you that all of us have honor, integrity and can live each day with respect. I believe in these things with all of my heart and I have no doubt I can show you hope.

I know what is happening with this current election is driving people mad. They are losing confidence in the system. It’s not the system that is failing- its the people inside the system that aren’t taking care of it. This election has been so polarizing that people would vote for anyone over Trump regardless of policy. They have no hope in the election process or the people running for office. That is our fault. We just automatically assume this is how it has to be. It doesn’t. Now more then ever the nation is screaming for a 3rd or 4th party to come into the mix and it is time. That my friends is where hope comes from. If you think I am going to sit on the side lines any longer then you haven’t been paying attention. I am entering the 2024 Presidential election and come hell or high water I will be making a big splash.

I will be able to look you in the eye and stick to my word. I am not a career politician and I don’t have any desire to be. What I do have is something bigger then life pulling me telling me this is where I need to be. One of the things I do extremely well is take care of people. The one thing I am is a common person. My objective while in office will be to strengthen America. I will invest more money in this country then any other President EVER! I will level the playing field for ALL AMERICANS. I will not pander to color, race or money!! We will invest in our future, our children, we will invest in our education system, we will rank #1 in the world for education. There will no more party lines period. The only line will be American or not- thats it. We are going to stop acting like we are so smart and write bills a child could understand. You want hope– this is hope going back into the greatest country ever. You want a reason to get up in the morning- then keep thinking 2024 Johnny Christopher Medina will be on the ballot and he will be our hope. I am not going to hide or try to convince you my way is the best way- I’m not going to call names or put people down, I will leave that to the people that do that stuff. I am going to stay focused on us. I don’t play golf, I don’t have summer houses or camps all I have is time for this country. You want hope for the average class, low income, disabled, I am that man and that is where my focus will be.

Hope is not lost. Hope is just warming up. While people spent the last four years hating, I spent the last four years coming up with a plan. I don’t hate, I just think things can be done different.

Tomorrow my platform goes live. Read it. Tell me what you think.