In trying times when we feel an injustice is happening we have the luxury to assemble peacefully. Some times what comes out of that are groups that claim they are helping, but can sometimes lead to social unrest. A few years ago a young black man was killed by a vigilante and it seem to spark such an outcry that an organization was formed, BLM, Black Lives Matter. This organization was founded by 3 women- Opal Tometi, Alicia Garza and Patrisse Cullors. All 3 ladies are declared Marxists. Marxists by nature want to overturn a Capitalist society to Communism. These ladies are basically an anarchist group flying under the banner of Race. They make DEMANDS!! They are DEMANDING things change or else? Or else what? Well, turn on any television in America and you can see what their or else is. Johnny, how dare you go against BLM you are a racist. Ya, that’s the new thing now right telling people they are racist. Saying, listen White America you have had White privilege and now its time you realize that and apologize for the years of White privilege you have bestowed among us colored people. WHAT!!!!!!??? Oh, so sad but true. The new is sorry white people you are racist and you didn’t even know it and the worst part about that is my white friends are buying into it.
Anti-fascist a group known as ANTIFA. They are a group that has been growing for the past few years and will do anything to destroy the far-right. They have no problems coming in and getting physical with anyone that opposes them. Let’s go back a second and talk about these far-right people that ANTIFA supposedly opposes- Klu Klux Klan far-right, Nazi– far right, I guess any white nationalist party they oppose. In Charletsville, they were the ones that started a fight with the far-right protesters there. Here is the very bad thing about ANTIFA– it’s more of an idea then a group. I think we call it a group because different sects get together and cause issues under the name ANTIFA. Because these are different groups coming together there is NO leadership, no organization, hierarchy to speak of.
What happened when George Floyd died is we all saw the very horrible video. We saw the cop with his knee on the back of Floyd’s neck while he died. I don’t know anyone that saw that video and was not instantly outraged. Before any facts were known about this case people took to the streets and burned down cities. This created a perfect atmosphere for BLM and ANTIFA to come into the cities and make their DEMANDS, such as DEFUND THE POLICE. These groups organized and came from all over the country to whatever city they were getting ready to destroy. A boy by the name of Kyle Rittenhouse, who works in the city that was being destroyed, killed 2 people attacking him and the question gets asked- Is it Patriotic to drive somewhere and defend property you don’t own? Well, then I ask, is it Patriotic to drive somewhere and destroy property you don’t own? Why are celebrities donating to funds to get the people that are destroying cities out of jail? Why are they refusing to play and wearing the name of a sexual offender on their uniforms? What happened to ME 2– what happened to defedning the women that are attacked by violent males? Are these athletes thinking about the woman Blake sexually offended and how she feels when she sees her assailants name plastered all over their uniforms? Again, why are these groups even involved right now? Why aren’t they waiting for the facts to come out? Or have we moved to a society where we are found guilty first?
Here’s what bothers me about BLM- 1. if their mission is to say that Black lives matter because they feel black men are getting killed unjustly by police then ok. lets have that talk. Let’s look at all cases and see if that is really the case. If it is then yes, we have a problem and it needs to be addressed. Let’s also look at where this crime is happening, why it’s happening there and what, if anything can be done to stop it. I personally, and I will feel this way until someone shows me numbers I am wrong, that police DO NOT kill colored people more then white people. I feel that BLM is only there if the subject makes National news. I get they have chapters across the United States, but seems like they have done nothing up until the rioting and looting.
- BLM has become a militant group and actually in my humble opinion they have always been a militant group. Martin Luther King didn’t organize the Million Man march and make demands. He got his point across through love. I haven’t seen or heard from any of the co-founders of BLM during all this mess. My other question or problem is why do the co-founders of BLM have 100 other activist organizations they have started? Isn’t one enough? Why do we hear from all these other so called leaders of the black movement? I will not now nor ever support an organization that supports violence.
All of a sudden BLM has over $12 million dollars. Yap, $12 million dollars. Where did it come from? I think the same powers that want this divide to happen. OPPs, I said it, oh ya, I think there is someone or something, a group of people, that want this country divided. BLM’s co-founders are proclaimed Marxist. They don’t hide that. Why do you think they want to DEFUND the police? Because black people are getting killed? Come on Man you know that’s not right. They want the police defunded, they want us fighting because no one will be watching them take over. WE won’t be watching our rights slip away. We won’t be thinking anything, but its a black and white issue and when they have seized power they will send in the military to stop everything and our lives will be forever changed.
What is happening now, for the mean time, is American’s are taking to the streets and saying we have had enough of the rioting and looting. Of course, being labeled militia- its almost like if you are BLM or ANTIFA its cool, do what you want, but if you want to stop them oh no no no, you get a label slapped on you then we will cancel your ass. Again, this is what they want. They want to keep the civil unrest going till other American’s say enough. Then that’s when the fun begins. In order to take power fix a problem if the problem isn’t there create one. BLM is the cover ANTIFA is the problem.
What is sad is you have real people out there that want real change. A lot of these kids out there know that change needs to happen, but they don’t know how to get change to happen, so they follow the leader. I said earlier, the reason I have seen so far is because I have stood on the shoulders of great men, these kids have no shoulders to stand on. We are letting them down. If we keep condoning the violence on the streets it will get worse.
SOLUTION- temp fix, because the real solution is in politics. The real solution is electing leaders that will do right by us. BUT we need something now.
To look at this as a color issue is buying into what the powers want you to see. They want you to look backwards because if you look backwards you will never see what’s in front of you. What happened to the people at hand is bad. A life lost by the hands of another is absolutely uncalled for, but that being said these people weren’t innocent people by any means. I know a lot of you are going to get caught up in that statement because it fits the racist card, so I’m asking you to look at it objectively. I can not urge you enough to see this is a human issue. That laws are created to fit the times we live in. We don’t know those laws are outdated until they get tested. We know 100% there needs to be change in the way Police conduct business, but we also know that we need law and order and the police give that to us. I say in almost every post and podcast that we need love. I think that just slips your ears when I say it because you want to be angry. I try and explain to you that going down the path of hate is the easy path and again I think it gets by you. I think you think I don’t understand the struggle because I take a stand against whats wrong. I can tell you this- If I were President right now this is what I would have done-
I would have immediately gone on National television and made a statement about the death of Ahumad Abrey. He was the one that truly started things this year. I would have said what happened to him is outrageous and by no means did he deserve to die. I would have said about George Floyd, what I saw on that video is sick and from what I have seen to me that officer should be arrested. I would have said I am angry that in today’s society with the knowledge we are supposed to have it saddens me that an officer would think placing his knee on a neck for 9 mins is ok. I would then say, I know you are all angry and upset. I know you all want justice and I do as well. I am asking that you all stay calm until we see more facts come out. I would say I know its not my place, but I am personally going to call the Minnesota AD and try to speed things up. I will be there this week and we will hold a rally. I stand with you, but I urge you to please stay calm until the facts come out.
I say this like a broken record, we have to come together. I think we need to stop looking at colors and concentrate more on American’s. I get there are a lot of issues and I am on it. I have lots more to say. I have lots to say about the issues– I may even have some ideas. Please do not think I am saying protesting is bad because I think protesting is a cornerstone of America. I do not think what happened to any of the people we talk about was right, but I still do not think violence is the answer.
If you are reading any of this stick with me. I hope it will get better.