Johnnys Blog Election Fraud??? It’s unfortunate that I feel the need to post this blog instead of talking more in depth about my policies,…
Johnnys Blog Presidential Platform Keep in mind these are broad strokes and more of a direction. It is my opinion that a President can…
Johnnys Blog Great Brown Hope! I see chaos every where I look right now. I see people so divided not just over politics, but because…
Johnnys Blog This is why I should be your next President. The question that is on your mind is why me? What makes me think I can be your next President?…
Johnnys Blog Big Announcement!! We have watched and been through probably one of the most interesting years every recorded in human time. We had…
Johnnys Blog CONSTITUTION IS DEAD? I heard a question the other day, it was something to this affect- Do you think we need to rewrite…
Johnnys Blog 3rd Party, Are We Ready? Why do we need a 3rd party? For the exact reason why have 3 branches of Government. If two branches…
Johnnys Blog Label me what? I do not like discussing things in terms of problems, but rather I like to start with my best foot… 1 Comment on Label me what?
Johnnys Blog Magic Trick We are in an era of super people. We get super information, we get it quick, we get it world…
Johnnys Blog 2 Children Get Kicked off the team…. What happens when 2 kids that play football have a game on Patriots Day and carry out a flag with…
Johnnys Blog Disrespect the office of the Presidency? Here’s a question.. Why is it O.K. To disrespect the office of the Presidency? If you are a sucker you…
Johnnys Blog It’s not a Black and White issue No, I refuse to let you call me that. I refuse to let you call me that because I don’t…
Johnnys Blog Current Activist Groups In trying times when we feel an injustice is happening we have the luxury to assemble peacefully. Some times what…
Johnnys Blog Unity, Humanity did we forget what that was? We are guaranteed by our constitution the right to assemble peacefully. Through out our history groups of all shapes, sizes…
Johnnys Blog Violence can never be the answer. I feel like a little kid on Christmas Morning- I finally have my new blog set up and this is…