Keep in mind these are broad strokes and more of a direction. It is my opinion that a President can only have a vision/direction to take the country. The vision/direction must be adopted by 530 Congress people so it is possible bits and pieces may change, but the end result is to come as close as we can to the ultimate end result. The other thing to keep in mind is while the President is in charge of the country and must be able to handle many situations at once, I feel that the issue sometimes becomes a Presidential candidate will make to many promises and cant possibly see them through. My goal is to focus on 2 major solutions.
The first is investing in our communities and children.
The second is investing in our infrastructure.
These 2 may seem like the should be together, but the aren’t. I will be the first President to solely focus on the American people and the United States infrastructure.
I do have 1 minor thing and that would be to legalize Dreamers within 72hrs of me taking office.
I will focus on medical, but to get more specific on that please wait for the blog.
“If I have seen further; it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants” Isaac Newton
“Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff dictatorships are made of” FDR addressing Congress
These are just broad strokes of plans. Ideally, I would like to see us go in this direction. I am the man with the vision and I hope to get Congress on board so we all can work out the details.
Economic –
- setting up better programs in schools
- paying teachers more, opening up more schools in impoverished areas
- opening up more trade schools everywhere
- setting up community centers in impoverished areas
- opening up libraries in impoverished areas
2- I want to reinvest in our cities
- giving every city in this country clean and good water
- ending Red-lining once and for all
- Reforming the police and fire departments
- ending Sanctuary cities
- create- sustain our business and mom-pop stores
- We need to end welfare
I feel that our tax system, the progressive system works the best. I think overall we can all agree the top earners should be paying more in taxes. What I don’t like is it is so complicated to file our taxes. What I would want to do is go through and make the system much more simple. I would want to take out the loopholes the top earners use to pay less taxes. I also want to raise the limit on the minimum amount earned to be taxed to $35,000 for a single person and $50,000 for a family of 4.
Ending welfare is a must for the minority communities. Not to end completely, but to put a limit on it like 6 months. For the people on it now we will give them 6 more months unless they enroll in a trade school- then it will be extended for the length of the program not exceeding 2 yrs.
I feel as American citizens each and everyone of us deserves the right to medical care. I do not feel wealth should play a factor in the care one gets. I think solely switching to a Universal Health care would be to costly and we would ultimately sacrifice care. We need to come up with a way to have both Universal and Private insurance. The biggest sector would be the homeless, poor and low to low middle income and disabled persons that would benefit greatly from Universal Health care. We could pay for this by increasing taxes. I would do this on a sliding scale- for example, say you make under $100,000 per year maybe you would pay . 05% into Universal Health care and if you made $100,000 to a million you would pay 1.5% and above would pay 2%. These are just rough arbitrary numbers that mean nothing, they are just their to give an example. Another option we could look into is legalizing marijuana and putting a tax on that to cover part or all of Universal Health Care.
One of the things I see as a necessity is we must bring down the cost of our medical care including prescription drug cost. It is imperative that our medical costs go down so that everyone can afford care.
We do support Roe vs. Wade
Every life is precious. There are many of us that are not blessed with having a child; so when it comes to abortion just the thought of it seems wasteful. Our stance on abortion is this-
When medically necessary there should be an abortion option
Through rape, incest or some other unwilling way there should be an abortion option
When using abortion as a form of birth control there should be the option of abortion only 2 times. Meaning a woman can only have 2 abortions in her life if they aren’t medically necessary.
4 months would be the latest you could get an abortion unless it becomes medically necessary.
I know this isn’t a health issue, but it goes along with abortion so….
We are going to redo the adoption process making it easier to adopt a child and making it accessible to any couple or person that wants a child. My hope is- if we make this process easier then I hope we can cut down on the amount of birth control abortions.
I would like to set clinics and treatment centers up in Inner Cities giving access to simple to moderate care there. Meaning bumps and bruises, simple colds, flu maybe up to but not limited to broken bones maybe certain types of outpatient surgery. We again incentive’s our young Drs., nurses and PA’s to work in these clinics right out of school to get partial or full relief of student loans. The same can go to any medical tech necessary to help run the clinic.
No American citizen should ever feel like they can’t go to a doctor to get whatever aliment they have looked at.
I believe that we need to find a way to switch from coal and natural gas to cleaner zero-carbon energy. I do not feel that wind and solar are the ways to go, but rather they are a starting point. I do not feel that we can solely get along with wind and solar energies. I feel that each of them presents a lot of problems that neither would be worth the price of admission. I believe that nuclear and hydro are great starting points for zero-carbon. I want to put more money into other renewable energy sources. While I feel in the long we need to switch I do not feel that time is now. Our technology is just not there yet.
I would love for the US to lead the world in developing such sources. I would love for the US to be a part of the world in discovering these technologies. For we our only a part of this world, a big part, but still just a part and we have to interact with the whole in order to create a long, live-able life for us and our children.
I believe the United States should be energy independent we should not rely on any other country to supply us energy.
All Dreamers become citizens instantly.
Any immigrant that is illegal that has a criminal charge, Felony or violent criminal charge will be deported instantly.
Sanctuary Cities will become illegal Federally. If cities choose to remain Sanctuary Cities they will lose all Federal Support.
We will close all loop holes and have much stricter rules for entering our country.
I would like to see people that are let into this country be based on our unemployment. If our unemployment rate is low we can let more people in and if it is high we let less people in. If the people in America can’t get jobs then there is no need to allow more immigrants into this country.
Anybody coming into our country illegally will be finger printed and deported no exceptions. If they come back that will be strike 2 and they will be deported Strike 3 is they can never enter the US again.
Any immigrant admitted to the US will never be allowed any public assistance, welfare or disability.
I would like to set up immigration offices in different countries to help make the process easier at the boarder.
While immigration is exactly how this country was formed times have changed and we must protect what our fore-fathers have bestowed to us. There are many people around the world that want to come to this country for the free welfare we hand out or to hurt our country and we must be more proactive in protecting our country against this type of action. We are now more then ever about the people, for the people, but we will do so for anyone coming through our front door. If a person feels they can sneak in around the back they are no longer welcomed.
We all are the stewards of the world and we all must acknowledge that we must get along with everyone in the world. We have to be the one to set the tone globally. I would like to change the world perception of the United States and them thinking we are pompous and show them how we to can be part of the world economy and socially.
As I would ask the wealthier in this country to pay more taxes- I would say that because we are the richest most prosperous nation in the world we would give a little more then everyone else.
We have to reach out to people that stand against us and find a way to live in this world through peace and harmony. Its through our compassion and our acknowledgment that we are but a piece of a greater puzzle that we will win over the world. If the world can see us united as the United States of America then they will have a renewed confidence in us again. As we reach across the aisle here to work on our domestic agenda we must reach across the aisle to work on peace with every nation. It is every leaders thought that their country comes first, but that doesn’t mean that in the process of making us better we don’t realize that we are making the world better.