The question that is on your mind is why me? What makes me think I can be your next President? That’s easy, the obvious answer is why not me, but it’s more then that; because for the first time ever in our history we would be electing one of us into the highest office in the land. We would be electing someone that knows what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck. What it’s like to wonder if I can pay this bill. Sitting down figuring out if I don’t pay this bill today I can buy more groceries or I can pay for my child’s activity. I know your struggle because I am you- so when I say when I take office I will be representing the poor, the average and all Americans you can believe that is where I come from and am today. I’m not Red or Blue I am American! Once elected I will work my butt off addressing our issues, but more importantly I will be guiding this country to a brighter future. Why me? Because you can take the boy out of the city but you can never take the city out the boy. I made a promise to my friends a long time ago no matter how far I go or how high I reach I will always be there for them. I am making you that exact promise, no matter how far I go or how high I reach I will be there you the American people. That isn’t to say I don’t care about business because I do, but it’s time big business be gently reminded we are the working force that drives their machine. If they don’t treat us right we will stop working and they will become useless. Why me? Because when you feel you have no hope and you’ve been down and out I want you to look at me and remember together we can accomplish anything. I will be there everyday working on driving this country not be better or more just or worse, but to be what we have always been meant to be the United States of America and that means we as one. We can we will because we are. Why me? Because I am you.