Why do we need a 3rd party? For the exact reason why have 3 branches of Government. If two branches disagree the third branch comes in and settles it. We have two parties that were once good, but have always been limited on ideas. There are arguments that the Constitution is set up to only have 2 parties. If there was a 3rd party to run for President that part would have to win hands down or there would not be a winner declared. If that is the case then it would go to Congress to vote and because there is only 2 parties in Congress the 3rd party would automatically lose. Here is how I see this- right now we have a 2 party system with some “Independents”, but we all know those “Independents” seem to lean one way, Democratic- my point is “Independents” don’t really count. If Congress can’t come to a BI-PARTISAN bill then the whole country is at a stand still. It’s not Congress that loses money, its the American people. Maybe its because out of the over 500 delegates we have in Congress over 300 of them are millionaires. If these parties are supposed to represent us, the average American worker, they are failing quite epic. I get we all have a past, we all start somewhere, I will even concede that some of the millionaires in Congress didn’t start off in life that way. I bet some of them come from humble beginnings, but I bet they have been away so long that forgot what its like to be hungry. Now, I see them use their past as a political tool instead of their reality.
I don’t know what is best. I do know what isn’t working. Once upon a time we did have other political parties, but for some reason they were never sustained. I’ve searched past parties over and over. I have tried to come up with a name that would represent the people and that hasn’t been used before. I couldn’t find a name. So, I came up with a name that was used by farmers back in the late 1800’s early 1900’s and did a search. Come to find out that a guy that worked with Bernie Sanders, on his campaign, started a website with the parties name. I need that name. I can’t see running under any other political party name. So, what should I do? Should I reach out to this guy and let him know my intentions? I think I will. Maybe, he will say go ahead, maybe he will say don’t– but either way I have to see so I can do what I need to do with a clear conscience.
It’s time we have a 3rd party. The door is wide open right now. I know people are upset that we only have 2 choices in this election. We need to have other choices. I know the road will be long. I know people will say there is no chance– but I’m very hard headed and all I heard was chance. I don’t have to be the smartest, most qualified or oldest, but what I have to do is show that I can lead and do what I say I can do. If I have seen farther then any other man its because I have stood on the shoulders of great men. I will be that man for future generations to look up to. I will see farther because I will surround myself with greater men then me.
Stay tuned my friends. Something big comes this way . I may come back and add more to this, I may not.