Johnnys Blog

Magic Trick

We are in an era of super people. We get super information, we get it quick, we get it world wide, we got video, words and even still pictures. When it comes to super information being deciphered by our super people there is no way we could ever make a mistake. In this woke generation we get all kinds of “information” thrown at us with every blink of the eye. We tend to believe the information that resembles our attitude of the day. For example, if we are in a bad mood we tend to believe any negative information that is out there and on the flip side good mood equals good information. We look at our peers to see where they stand, but in today’s society we try to one up everyone including our peers.

I want to look at this in a different picture. All of you have heard of Pavlov’s dog, right? He was conditioned to when he heard the bell he would start to salivate. This showed us that we can condition any response we want given time. When you were a child if you threw your dinner on the floor your parents would have said no don’t do that or no you are supposed to eat that or something like that. It would have been some form of a negative response to your action. We don’t like negative responses because we have been trained our whole lives that a negative response was bad. If you stuck your hand in a fire I’m pretty sure someone would have yelled or shouted NO!!! Some people over time develop negative responses to certain noises, smells or even sounds. For me, I hate slamming doors or slamming kitchen cabinets, it just reminds me of a bad time in my families life and hearing those sounds brings out the worst in me. What would I have to do if I wanted to reserve Pavlov’s dog from hearing a bell and salivating to hearing a bell and running away? I would have to change the dogs perspective and when I rang the bell I would have to give the dog a negative response. So, if I wanted to apply that logic to a people, I would have to take an experience and keep showing them that its negative.

Fact of the matter is this, most of us have never experienced outward in your face racism in our life, but hearing the word racist is a trigger for 99% of minority communities. When something bad happens we go through a series of emotions. Some of these emotions have triggers for us, some don’t. What is a definite trigger is when something bad happens we throw the word RACIST in the conversation. Once that happens, we have a all new ball game. If something bad happens in this day and age with our super information we are able to control the narrative with key trigger words and guess what, they don’t even have to be true. Why? Because we have been conditioned to hate. WHAT?!??!?!!? SAY IT AIN’T SO……..

Facebook has been gathering information on us for years. Google has been gathering information on us for years. They have been putting information in front of us to get a reaction from us. This reaction over time will give them a pretty decent psychological profile of you. I must concede that doing it this way isn’t 100% you are probably going to have a big margin of error, but when you are talking over a billion people that use Facebook and the world that uses Google, you can afford to have a giant margin of error, because of herd mentality. You don’t need that many to convey messages across the super information highway to get the out layers back on board.

Here’s where I’m really going to roast your mind. Since the end of 2016 there has been a massive push of negativity from the “media” and Silicon Valley. The day was November 4th 2016 and you could turn on any tv in the land and you would see people on the streets crying hysterically because Hilary Clinton lost. Members of Congress were on tv crying how could this happen? The people took to the streets right away to protest. I don’t think they knew what they were protesting, but the media covered it and wanted it to continue. Trump, oh man what can I say about this man, a lot, but I won’t other than to say for the confines of this blog, he is no saint and has been the wind stoking this fire as well. So, everyday for the past 4yrs on every channel and every newspaper physical and online was filled with negative information. We have our President lying, our Congress lying, everyone is lying and what happens to the masses, well ya’ll fell in line.

Fact, every year police officers kill people some black some white some brown and some yellow. Isn’t it funny that Ahumad Avery, shot and killed Feb. 23rd, was just running down the street and it just so happens someone was filming him? Then 2 guys pull up and shoot him all while he was randomly being recorded, but guess what? That didn’t get that big of a response from the people. There was a bigger story and it was called Corona Virus. So, not many gave this that much attention, but what it did do is give a small ignition to what has become total chaos. Not to long after Ahumad Breonna Taylor’s apartment was raided and she was shot, that happened March 12. Now, we are starting to see some uproar in the Black community, but its not enough. Another black man is being detained and again this is filmed. This isn’t weird to you yet? George Floyd, May 25th. Boom we have lift off. The country, the world goes into a tail spin. This is RACIST!!!! A white cop kills a black man its all about RACE!!!! We need every thing to change. Black people unite! If our DEMANDS aren’t met we will get them by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!

Stop… think about what is happening. Just like Pavlov’s dog you have been conditioned to think this is about race and its not. I’ll keep going then. Everyday since May 25th on the news 2 things are talked about Corona virus and race. Protesting is happening in almost all major cities and no one is saying anything about it. Oh Johnny, because you are only telling some of the story. My bad, why do they want us divided? Why are they picking on us minorities? Well, the second question is easy, because there are a hell of a lot more minorities then white people in America that’s why. The first question is…. if I have 10 friends that will do anything for me. We are strong together, but if something or someone comes along and divides us say 6 to 4 or 8 to 2 we become exponentially weaker. Why though, why do they want that to happen? This usually happens in a hostel take over. Uh? Someone or something is trying to destroy America from the inside out. Yes, we are extremely strong as a group, but once divided and we lose control super duper hard to get strong again. This is conspiracy talk. Ya, probably, but why want to defund the organizations that care for us? Because it makes us weaker. It’s Sept. 24, 2020 and guess what we are still talking race why, because on Aug 23 Jacob Blake was shot and paralyzed making us still even more upset. It gets better. Because yesterday they announced that they wouldn’t be pressing charges in Breonna Taylor’s case so people are back on the streets protesting.

They say there is a silver lining in every dark cloud. The silver lining in this situation is it showed that we need to sit down and reform the police department. We need to have a serious conversation with them and see what they need to do their jobs better and get it for them. Its also showed me that the people of this country can come together and work towards a common goal, even though in this case they don’t have a goal, but I’m sure with the right leader they would be just fine.

I want you to understand that to be manipulated in this day and age is much easier then it was say 25yrs ago. Just because it super information at super speeds doesn’t mean its the right information. Because we get information so fast it is on us to slow things down to decipher reality from our emotions. I am in no way condoning the actions of any officer involved in Breonna, Geroge or Jacob I just want the truth so I can make a better decision. The anniversary of my brothers death, and what I mean is murder, is coming up Oct. 7th. I remember coming downstairs to 2 police officers and a priest. I remember them saying there was an accident and my brother didn’t survive. They said he was hit by a drunk driver. I remember me telling the cops I’m going to kill that person. That cop stayed with me for almost the whole day. I’m sure it was mostly to protect me from me, but I think he actually cared. I wish I could remember his name. Me and my brother were extremely close. I would have done anything for him and when I found out he was killed the emotions that ran through my body were insane. Oh I was angry. I was real angry. I wanted the lady that killed my brother to die a very slow death. I wanted to die. How could I live a life without my brother? What would have happened to me if I would have let my life go down the path my emotions wanted to take me? Where would I be right now? Dead or in jail- that’s where. What good would I have done? So, I get high emotions and this was my brother these people that were involved Breonna, George and Jacob, you guys don’t know them you have no relationship to them so your emotion isn’t near where mine was, but regardless you feel what you do and that’s why I’m telling you- please, I can’t say it enough, please stop and pay attention to what really going on. These people on tv have an angel- they want you to watch them because you pay their bills when you watch them. So, they will say damn near anything to make your watch. Its all just a Magic Trick a misdirection just to keep you guessing.

I’ll admit I am bat shit crazy and this is probably all wrong, but what if I’m right even a little bit. It’s those that say they aren’t crazy are the ones that you should be afraid of. How can you not be crazy in this world?

We are super human, but not because of the reason I said above, but because we have the ability to FORGIVE and LOVE! Its only 4 letters L-O-V-E, but its probably the strongest word known to man. The say LOVE can’t pay the bills, but it sure can show you the way to pay them. LOVE is LIGHT hate is dark…. we are super human because we know that and we all want that….. remember something my friends hate is a lonely world to be in…….. hate is fun while the darkness lasts, but LIGHT will shine it always finds its way back….