Here’s a question.. Why is it O.K. To disrespect the office of the Presidency? If you are a sucker you just said “because the 1st amendment gives me that right”. It also gives you the right to be a dumb-ass but that doesn’t make it right. Trust me I understand that you guys hate the current President. He is a racist. He is disrespectful to women. He hates the world. He’s dumb. He’s arrogant. He is a liar. He doesn’t respect the office of the President. Even if all these things are true he is still the President. Just because you hold this office doesn’t make you the smartest man/woman in America. It doesn’t mean that you are the wisest, best looking or strongest person either. What it means, is the citizens of this great country choose you to lead us into the next chapter of America.
Here is why I am asking this question- because when I turn on the news I see some congress man or woman talking about how the current President is a liar or a jack-ass. I see pundits saying very similar things. I see every day American’s echoing what they have heard through the media. If our own people are talking this way about the sitting President, what do you think the rest of the world is thinking? Why should they respect the office if our own citizens don’t? I get it, if I were to concede and say that the current President has all those qualities I listed above, but I would agree to keep it to myself or in my current group of friends. I would never publicly come out and say it. Why, because I do not want the rest of the country or the world thinking that I have no respect for that office. I get some pseudo-intellectual is going to say well, you just conceded that the current President is a liar, a dumb-ass and hates women. Ya, only you think that because the true smart people know I am writing a post and if I agree with myself then I have nothing to write about. DUH.. Look, disagree with the President on policy publicly leave your personal opinions about him out of it. Politics is supposed to be business not personal, but somewhere along the line it has become very personal.
It’s my goal to see the integrity, honor and respect be the qualities we need as a President. I don’t care if you don’t agree with a policy or two- shit, maybe you agree with none, but didn’t your momma tell you if you don’t have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all… Look at it like this… The United States of America is the strongest, best country in the world. In order to portray that we have to back the elected leader as a strong President. We give off the image to the world. I don’t care what the current President is doing and Ill tell you why– the office he holds is much bigger then he can ever be. You can even say that on TV- look I don’t like anything about him, but he is the current President and that office is bigger then him so I will give it the respect that it deserves.
Brave men and women have given their lives to protect the freedoms this country has and we honor them by disrespecting the highest office in our land. I can’t tell you what to do or not to do it’s your life I can only be the beacon of hope when you get lost.
Someone once said when they go low we go high- even though its corny there is a super amount of truth to that especially when we are talking about the office of the President. If you think the current President is disrespecting the office lets not help him by degrading it even more. We have got to the point where 2 wrongs do make a right- I just can’t help to think that some where someone is running a great psychological experiment on us. How are we supposed to expect respect when we are letting these kids run the streets and do whatever they want? They have done so much that every one is scared to make them mad. I can’t help to wonder if it’s because someone thinks they are going to vote. These kids have no respect, you have no respect, they have no respect– I guess I am the only one left with respect. I will bring honor back to the office.