Johnnys Blog

It’s not a Black and White issue

No, I refuse to let you call me that. I refuse to let you call me that because I don’t see what you are talking about. I’m sorry I don’t believe what you are saying to be true. I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m sorry you can’t stop for 1 second and listen to me. You want me to see things your way. You want me to adjust to you. I’m sorry, but I will not let you call me a RACIST any longer. No, I don’t believe all these police shootings are a black and white issue. No, I don’t think systemic racism is as relevant as you claim it to be. Do I think there is racism?? YES 100% YES!! Do I think its systemic in the way you are claiming it to be, NO! I do think there is a segment of the population that hates blacks and they have for generations thus making it systemic, but as a whole I don’t see it.

My man Hershel Walker is now being called a racist. Why? Because he spoke at the RNC. If I talk about a white boy that was shot in the head by his neighbor and ask why aren’t people talking about that I am not only a racist, but I am politicizing this boys death. People I have known for decades are now flying under the banner of the oppressed. I hear things like I just don’t understand what its like to be black. I hear look, I am black here, I am black here and I am black here- black is who I am I can not change that. They say that as if that is deep as if it holds some kind of meaning because a person can be white here here and there and white is who they are they can’t change that, but when a white person says that the response he gets is- -I don’t know, I don’t know what it’s like to be white.

Then of course, they go to is SLAVERY!!!! While I have no words for slavery because it was a horrible horrible time in America, I mean technically we weren’t the United States of America yet, but I get the picture. See once again, when we talk about slavery black people only think they were slaves. Yellow people weren’t slaves, brown people weren’t slaves and white people weren’t slaves either. The only slaves that matter are black slaves.

I can already feel the anger, but I am asking you to please stop and listen to what I am saying. The people that have found themselves dealing with the police is because those people were up to no good. It wasn’t as if the police just showed up where they were and shot them. Of course some of you are going to say those people were killed because they were black, but why can’t the argument be as simple as they were shot because they were doing something that put them in that position regardless of color. Have you ever heard of Occam’s Razor? Its the principle that, of two explanations that account for all the facts, the simpler one is more likely to be correct. If we apply this principle to Jacob Blake– Jacob Blake was shot- the first reason for that could be- A white cop was fighting with his wife about her finding out about his black girlfriend. His wife found out by another black woman. This cop was pissed and wanted to kill a black man. The second reason could be Jacob Blake was a habitual criminal and had a deadly weapon on him. I think the second reason is more simple and the most likely case. Has there been many things to hold minority groups down? 100% Yes!! Red-lining, Welfare, closing of schools, business leaving all designed to hold minority groups in place. I have said it once, Ill say it again and again and again– KNOWLEDGE IS POWER…. you can have cars, houses, boats, jewelry, tv’s- anything you want and guess what the man can come take all that stuff away from you, but if you go get educated and get that knowledge guess what the man can never take that from you and that is what they fear the most– MINORITY WITH KNOWLEDGE. I can tell you with 100% certainty they do not fear the ones in the streets burning things down. Those people can be controlled easy.

Why is no one mad about all the deaths that happen in the minority communities? Why does it take some video of a couple black men getting shot to cause an uproar? This happens every single week. My biggest question to you all is WHY ARE RICH WHITE KIDS FLYING UNDER THE FLAG OF BLM HARRASSING OTHER MINORITIES???? Is it just possible all of you are being duped?? I wasn’t born during the Civil Rights movement, I have no idea what that struggle was like, but from reading and listening to people that were there it seems like times back then were a whole lot tougher then they are now. Back then they beat minorities up for fun, they hung blacks from trees just because, colored people couldn’t wash their clothes in the same laundry, couldn’t eat in the same dinner, couldn’t drink out of the same water fountain, couldn’t ride in the front of the bus, couldn’t go to the same school and you guys are saying it hasn’t got any better? I think times have changed tremendously, please do not tell them that Martin Luther King had no impact on society. I see lots of minorities in the top 10% of the economic class in the United States. I see lots of minorities in the upper middle class of the United States. In this day and age if you work hard and SACRIFICE you can have the same opportunities regardless of color. If you live in an impoverished area, you still have the same rights to become anything you want. Will it be harder for you? Maybe.

I will no longer feel bad for speaking the truth. I am human and that means I could be wrong at some point. I will never walk away from a race conversation with anyone. I feel that everyone has some kind of knowledge to pass on. I am going to try and put my voice out there as a minority that stands for all of us regardless of color, race, religion- if you are human Ill be there for ya. If you feel BLM is a righteous group and you feel they are doing good by you I can accept that. What I will not accept is you yelling at me or calling me a racist. I will fight back. What makes this country beautiful and all humans unique is that we all are different and have different ways of seeing the world. I welcome that in my life, but just because you share a story or are passionate about a subject doesn’t mean I will share that same interest, but again, I will accept it.

Please accept this– if we keep looking at things from a black and white stance it will only cause further divide. If you are a true protester then please separate yourself from the bunch causing trouble. Be open to the simplest answer- police were called because those people were causing trouble.

What I haven’t discussed here are solutions- I have already said a billion times I think we need to reform the police. Defunding the police is NOT an option. We need to give the people in the impoverished areas more opportunities to succeed. What I have learned from the past is rioting and looting never accomplish any change. What it does is give a temporary solution and it fades away within years. We need a permanent solution to solve these issues.

I am giving you real broad strokes here because I am going to be releasing a whole lot of solutions fairly soon.

Again, I am always here to talk. I really welcome you to talk to me. Maybe you can shed some light I haven’t seen before– maybe I can do the same for you–

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